Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Off Brand Gummy Bears

 In the cafeteria downstairs at the SLCo building they have been selling little baggies of gummy bears and worms for a RIDICULOUSLY high price. Like $0.90 for a small baggie. Yet, they look tempting, so when I was at Smith's last week and saw a bag of Kroeger brand gummy bears...I got 'em! Well, I should have known something was up when I found a gummy with a goiter. I posted about it on facebook, but just ate the fellow without taking his photo. I think he was green. But then I found 1) a wee mutant gummy, and then 2) a set of conjoined gummies, and lastly (I had been intentionally drying them out) 3) a crackly gummy.

1) You can see by comparison, the one on the right is smaller and has a mis-shapened head = a wee mutant gummy. (and as noted in a fb comment, the white gummies look to be glowing...nice).

2) The conjoined bears. Clearly attached at the hips by a band of gummy. The gummy on the left also had its stomach ripped out. I am not sure if it was done by its twin or another bear.

3) The crackly bear. I was drying them out for more chewing pleasure, but this one took the brunt of Utah's arid climate. He is far more crackled and wrinkly than any of the others.

I think there is a lesson here about 'off-brand' purchases. And their potential for amusement. I think I have had more pleasure from this one bag of goodies than from most things. Gummy bears are entertaining.


apple slice said...

excellent images. well-written post. i admire you and your ability to eat off-brand gummies. i limit myself to black forest and that japanese brand. ? i have never been able to take the texture/taste of the off-brand. i like henry's chocolate-dipped gummies.

Marie said...

I don't understand your love for gummies, but I admire your ability to exploit their deformities for laughs.

Rachel said...

Tink is an alias (this is Rachel). Thank you both. And Marie, I only feel at liberty to exploit said gummies becasue it is well known that they have no feelings (at least not the "off-brand" kind).

Marie said...

:) I know you would never mock a legless sentient gummy, sweet Rachel.