Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Brazil- It's only a state of mind

They need to come up with a quick key symbol that will make music notes around a word so you know you are supposed to sing it, rather than speak it. Brazil. After seeing the movie I can only sing the title (similar occurrence with Don Giovanni). The movie was recommended by DW, knowing how I like dystopian sci-fi. I loved the movie. It is a wonderful commentary on bureaucracy and wasting paper, but also a love story. The kiss is so filled with passion and tension that you have time to become invested. There they are lips close, he is filled with desire to kiss her, but also trepidation, a little closer, backing up, closer, the tension is divine. I think it may be the best on-screen kiss I have ever seen, well, off screen too. I promptly ordered the movie on Amazon as well as Amelie (just because I like it too). Then I returned the movie to Netflix so that I could get my next movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still, also recommended by DW. My sister remembers taking exception to the "un-happy ending" of Brazil, but after seeing enough foreign films I have become inured to tragic endings. And I don't think the end is that tragic anyway.

Additionally I have taken every opportunity to use my new favorite word.


Pronunciation: \in-ˈkō-ət, ˈin-kə-ˌwāt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin inchoatus, past participle of inchoare to start work on, perhaps from in- + cohum part of a yoke to which the beam of a plow is fitted
Date: 1534
: being only partly in existence or operation : incipient; especially : imperfectly formed or formulated : formless, incoherent.

D.H. Lawrence uses the word several times in his book Women in Love. I used it in two of my final papers this semester.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Great Crepe Cake, Batman

Well, a whole year since I posted last. I have been busy. I moved and started grad school. Now it is summer. Last Sunday a few friends came over to celebrate Lena's birthday. It really was only an excuse for me to show off my new red sofa and to try a recipe I saw in Gourmet, A Crepe Cake. First off, it just looks GREAT! and was a chance to showcase my new cake dome. Secondly, it contains Grand Marnier, and I look for every chance to use liquor in my cooking. http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/241754. I think my photo is better than the one Epicurious is using. It was amazingly simple to make and I added lavender to the mix as well. I served Elderflower Presse from Cost Plus World Market for drink as Lena is British and loves the drink. Sweet, but a good choice. Hurrah, it is fun to cook. Wait, I don't think making crepes counts as "cooking", oh, well.

This evening, the birthday girl of last week, Lena, called and suggested a walk. It was a lovely spring evening and so we went on a walk up into the Avenues, we ended up in the cemetery there, it was a lovely walk in and out of the lanes. Saw some interesting headstones too. We are both in favor of simple & cheap funeral arrangements. I am glad she can enjoy a graveyard, some people don't.