Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Birthday-Mocktail Party

 So I had my annual birthday MOCKTAIL party.  The female guests brought hors devours and I supplied the bar contents. A HIT!! Used music from the era of Frank Sinatra and Etta James. p.s. that is a candy cigarette in Jeannie's mouth. Doesn't she look tough?

I liked my presents. People know me. I got all kitchen gifts. 2 cookbooks from Kendall and Jeannie, darling ramekins from Karen, a sweet apron from Tanya, miniture utensils from Annie, tea towels from Chris, handerchiefs/napkins with my initials from Kendall. Marie gave me some $ with which I bought my party shoes. A co-worker Lauren gave me a lovely orchid. Martha gave me some candy and a pineapple. Some fancy grapejuice from Tony Caputo's from Kiera. I am RICH in friends.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

On facebook lately there is a trend to request a list of 25 random things about yourself. I thought I would list them here. As a special treat for the day. *see number 20

1. I have senethesia. blue=Thursday=eight, red=Wednesday=five, yellow=Tuesday=seven, etc. etc. I have often answered "blue" when meaning to say "eight", etc.

2. I am dyscalculate with phone numbers; the last two digits I usually transpose.

3. I love the song, "I’m a little teapot".

4. I collect bottle caps, they are the currency in my family’s micro-nation.

5. I can drop start a chainsaw while hanging in a tree.

6. I hate for people to see me cry, but I actually enjoy a good cry in private, I find it cathartic.

7. I like the peppery smell of freesia flowers.

8. I am tactilely allergic to walnuts, but so far can eat them.

9. I love to make wishes on stuff, full moons, stars, train cabooses, wish-bones, etc.

10. I love 3X5 index cards.

11. I am positive I was supposed to grow an additional 2 inches…what happened?

12. I am a huge fan of Emily Post.

13. I drink raw milk from a dairy in Payson. It is sooooo delicious. Each week some family member goes down and picks up bottles for the rest of us in SLC.

14. I have sensitive teeth.

15. I scowl too much.

16. If I were an animal I would be an otter, if I were an article of clothing, I would be a scarf, if I were a fruit I would be a pomegranate.

17. I don’t like peppermint flavored things, spearmint fine, wintermint fine, any other minty flavor is fine, just not peppermint.

18. I have an alias, Tink Monad.

19. I have a rectangle birthmark on my bottom.

20. Today is my birthday!!!!

21. I have very poor cursive writing, but I am working on improving it.

22. I like VERY fine tipped pens.

23. Reading is Sexy!

24. I once caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and thought I was a cute boy.

25. I have reoccurring nightmares of the end of the world.