Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Crystal Carrot

crystalline carrot
a perfect taper
plucked from a snowy roof
crunch, crunch
mouth melting, unforming.

A few weeks ago I was cross country skiing with a friend. At the point where we decided to turn around was a little out-building with icicles hanging from the eves. It had been ages since I had eaten an icicle. I had forgotten the pleasure of holding that "crystal carrot" and sucking and chomping on it. It was a surprise, especially since I am not a fan of the icecube.

As for my poems, they are usually short little things. The reasons are these: 1) I like succinctness (I wanted to use the word succinctity, but I find it isn't a "real" word), 2) I think long poems become tedious and I certainly stop reading after the first several stanzas, 3) That is the way they come out of me.


apple slice said...

Unforming. Love this.

rachel with redshoes on said...

translation of first comment:

Love is a great teacher, teaches us to turn over a new leaf.

Marie said...

I love your poem about icecicle chomping. My mother worked long and hard to get me to stop chomping ice and eating snow. I will give her your poem and maybe she'll finally understand.

You should write poems in Mandarin. Chinese poetry is all about succinctity. And nature.