Monday, November 30, 2009

The Uneventful Life

Since I haven't posted since February, I will highlight a few things that have occurred since.

Taught a fruit tree pruning workshop for TreeUtah (2nd annual)
I killed a Macbook laptop
I killed a desktop PC (able to retrieve the hard-drive, hurrah)
Heard Wendell Berry at a book reading
Dated one of my professors
Saw Franz Ferdinand in concert (he wore red shoes)
Met a fellow on the 805 bus who looked like Alex Kapranos
Broke a fellow's heart
Had my heart broken
I spent all of June sick
Visited Olympia, WA
Didn't enjoy the Gallivan Center concerts (too crowded)
I got a new desktop Mac
Loved the farmers market ( Tues night, much less crowded)
Went on Wasatch Community Garden's Tour de Coop
Got my hopes up....then let down
I got my Masters Degree
Lots of job interviews
Made new friends
Met new beaus, gave up on those beaus, still hopeful
Enjoyed the Monthly Gallery Strolls
Had a death in the family
Visited Olympia, WA
I celebrated 2 years of working at The Mandate Press
Learned to make homemade pasta
painted living room walls (will repaint soon, the gray color is too cool)


Marie said...

I was so mad I forgot about the coop tour. Congrats again on the master's -- and let me know when you're repainting.

I'm glad you're still hopeful, and I'm glad you're blogging again!

apple slice said...

Can't believe Wendell Berry! You can now die happy. A new computer though, will extend your life. I look forward to that.