Thursday, February 22, 2007

As I go walking...

I left the house at dusk to walk to the food co-op. The dumb dogs were out on Coleman so I walked the back way and got caught up in blackberry brambles, oh well. Blood oranges are in season. I don't like regular oranges, but for some reason I lOVE blood oranges. I got several. I got lots of groceries, well, not so many they couldn't be carried home in one well stuffed bag. As I walked home it was chilly, but in that cheerful way that adds rose to your cheeks and nose. The film of clouds made a rainbow aureole around the moon which was 37% of full. The stars peeked around clouds and I was happy. I love walking around in the evening. In San Diego, the area of town I lived in was too dodgy to walk about in. It made me so grateful to be in a new place. I am going to research blood orange recipes, make dinner and then indulge in some coconut milk ice-cream. I am anticipating much pleasure from it.

p.s. On the google homepage you have the option to track the phases of the moon. I like that.

p.p.s. I found a great recipe. A version of a fennel salad I already know I love. Slivered fennel bulb, olive oil, lemon juice, salt & pepper.

There is also a great article to listen to on NPR about blood oranges. .

1 comment:

apple slice said...

The article was interesting and makes me want to cook with blood oranges. I think a sorbet? You are lucky with the co-op since you have access to non-supermarket fare. Citrus trees are a sign of wealth to me. Those and a deep freeze.