Friday, June 15, 2012

A Benefit of Biking

OK, so some back story. I used to ride my bike a lot to get around when I lived in the city. Once I got married and found myself trapped in car-commuting it lapsed. Well recently I decided, HELK NO! (HELK is my new word, stronger than HECK, but not quite swearing). I decided that though I couldn’t control how I got to town from home (it has to be by car and Lin doesn’t want to move closer), I could choose how I got from Lin’s work to my work. 

So I started biking again. I brought my sweet little bike down. It is only about 2 miles to get to work, but I love it. I forgot how awesome it is to be on a bike and getting someplace without a carbon footprint. I also forgot how stupid my hair looks after wearing a helmet.  [ I will confess, since I am riding on side roads with little traffic, sometimes I don’t wear one. Why can’t we be like Amsterdam and everyone ride around without helmets? ]  I picked just the right time of year to start biking (a few weeks ago) because I was treated to the musky smell of the Tree of Heaven - Ailantus altissima, in bloom. In my old city apartment there was one outside my window and I got to love that musky (almost body-odor) scent of the Tree of Heaven. I know it is a “trash tree” and as an arborist would never in good conscious recommend planting one, but I am glad they come up on their own. I like the smell. It is gone now for another year. Now the Lindens are in full bloom, and they smell sweet and wonderful, but in truth, I prefer and miss the musky scent of the Ailianthus.

*The Wikipedia article refers to the scent as stink and so on.  Oh well.